Careers4U Vocational Expert
Chelsea Brown is a Vocational Consultant with over 20 years experience
providing vocational services to individuals with disabilities. She has a
Master’s of Science degree from Syracuse University in Rehabilitation Counseling
and Special Education Certification. Ms. Brown specializes in creating
educational and vocational plans that are individualized focusing on the
individual’s strengths, interest, and aptitude.
She has developed a program design for Youth ages 14-22 that addresses
Self Advocacy skills, Career Exploration, Workplace Readiness Training,
Work-based Learning, and Comprehensive Transition to Postsecondary Educational
Programs. Along with the traditional Vocational counseling services her expertise extends into the forensic arena, where she testifies in Social Security Disability hearings as a Vocational Expert. She also specializes in assessing earning capacity and employability to determine functional capacity.